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Current Aircraft And Capabilities

North Korea's Air Force: A Comprehensive Analysis

Current Aircraft and Capabilities

The North Korean Air Force (KPAAF) boasts an impressive arsenal of aircraft, including attack bombers, cargo transports, special mission aircraft, and fighters. With an estimated 110,000 personnel, it ranks as the second-largest branch of the Korean People's Army (KPA).

Attack Bombers

The KPAAF's attack bomber fleet consists primarily of Soviet-era Ilyushin Il-28s and Chinese-made H-5s. These aircraft are capable of delivering conventional and nuclear payloads and have been used in bombing exercises and military parades.

Cargo Transports

The KPAAF operates a diverse range of cargo transport aircraft, including Russian An-24s, An-26s, and Il-76s. These aircraft play a vital role in transporting troops, equipment, and supplies to remote areas of the country.

Special Mission Aircraft

The KPAAF's special mission aircraft include reconnaissance, surveillance, and electronic warfare platforms. These aircraft provide the KPA with critical intelligence and support operations.


The KPAAF's fighter fleet consists of a mix of Soviet MiG-21s, MiG-29s, and Chinese J-7s. These aircraft are designed for air-to-air combat and provide the KPA with a robust air defense capability.
